Geophysical & rock mechanical services


GRM offers rock mechanics monitoring, geotechnical monitoring and rock stress measurements.

Rock mechanics

GRM offers rock mechanics monitoring, geotechnical monitoring and rock stress measurements.

We are able to carry out both demanding assignments and the installation of individual instruments. In large-scale installations such as underground measurement systems, we can measure and record dozens of channels with, for example, extensometers, inclinometers, load bolts and temperature sensors.

All measuring equipment can be provided with real-time data and alarm limits can be set on the systems, which can increase site safety and speed up response time to changes.

The continuous data stream allows events to be timed very accurately to, for example, blasting or other site events.

Rock mechanics Rock mechanics

Rock mechanics


A single automatic measuring instrument such as an extensometer or any other device measuring pressure, stress, collapse, displacement, pouring or temperature.

  • Multiple sensors connected to a larger logging system

  • Automatic alarms

  • Real-time data

  • Manual measurements such as tunnel convergence measurement

  • Automatic convergence measurement with the so-called Basset system

Rock stress measurements

Hydraulic fracturing is a coarse 2D stress measurement method that allows two principal stresses to be measured. Measurements can be taken from the ground or from below ground. The current equipment can be used in 100 m deep holes, but the depth scale can be increased if the project so requires. Measurement works in 46mm - 60mm holes.

GRM offers monitoring of rock stress changes with adhesive HID cells.

  • Rock mechanics Rock mechanics

    All measuring devices can be made to produce real-time data and systems can be set to alarm limits.

  • Rock mechanics Rock mechanics

    Measurements can be taken at ground level, underground and in boreholes.